Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Funniest Thing To Happen To Me... All Week

So Roebuck Residence Halls decided that it would be okay for turn off our power for 6 hours (10 am-4pm) today while they completed some construction work. Seems necessary enough until you figure out all the things you can't do without power. Well the obvious, no lights. Then you think about it a little more. Electric stoves, electric microwaves=no cooking. Electric fridge, good thing I don't have any food in there yet, haven't hit the grocery yet. Electric water heat, no hot showers. Electric pump, no water. No power, can't plug your computer in. So my plan was to work on my battery until it ran out and then hit the library. But I forgot one thing about no power that was the icing on the cake. No power, no internet. Which means can't check my e-mail or get very far in my homework. So I finished my paper and headed to Quinn to get some work done. Miss Jen was there too so we both did some work until about 5:45 when they were closing the building. This is no BIF where you can stay all night. I needed to print something so I walked to the IT building. I was not in there for more than 3 minutes but when I went to leave I couldn't. The doors were locked. Yep, trapped in the building. Now under normal circumstances this could be fun. If I was in like a museum or a Wal-mart, but the IT building wasn't an exciting place to spend the night. So I called Jen and laughed as I told her my problem. She came to the door but couldn't get me and I was stuck on the inside doors. She told me she'd go get security so I took a lap to find someone. Place was deserted. Except for one Asian kid who came out from some study nook. I told him my problem and he found a button that released the first set of doors. Close to the outside but still stuck by the automatic doors. Jen with her 2 security escorts showed up. As we waited for the guy with the key to come, they said it happens more than you think.

Most embarassing however was that just as the guy came to unlock it, me and the two Asians who were also in the building found a camouflage manual door that let us out.

Yep, only me. Get locked in a building, but not really. I swear it wasn't obvious.

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