Friday, March 5, 2010

Rest Up, The World Awaits

Tomorrow morning I leave for my spring break trip. How is it spring break already? Doesn't seem possible, so maybe that's why I'm not excited yet. I've spent the better half of the week getting things in order, and lining up the homework that I will have to hammer out when I get home. That and watching an entire season of Everwood, thank you Lindsay for providing me with the addicting gift of TV on DVD.

So here's the battle plan.

8 am tomorrow- heading to the airport.
11:45 am flight to Berlin, Germany.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in Berlin.

Tuesday early morning, train to Prague, Czech Republic. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in Prague including a visit to a concentration camp near Prague on Wednesday.

Thursday afternoon, train to Vienna, Austria where me and Claire are staying with our friend Alyssa. Thursday, Friday, Saturday in Vienna.

Saturday afternoon bus to Budapest, Hungary. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in Budapest. Flying out of Budapest Monday back to Dublin.

Back in Dublin just in time for St. Patrick's Day Celebrations.

Then buckling down and getting some homework done. The end of March has all my major projects due.

How is it March already?!!?!?

I need to finish packing. How am I going to fit 10 days of clothes & necessities and my backpack into my small carry on. I don't know, but today I washed my jeans in my bathroom sink. I didn't feel like doing the whole laundry process. Ofcourse they are still damp so I took my hair dryer to them. Talk about roughing it. Hey, you do what you got to do.

I will have lots of things to say when I return on March 15th. Until then, enjoy the beginning of spring, and the feeling of possibility that happens when you are finally able to toss off your jacket and enjoy the springtime air and sunshine. Let's hope I get that springtime feeling while we are traveling.

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