It's about 2:30 am here, and we just got home from a Wednesday night on the town. We went to a special Valentine's Day party for International Students at this club called Sin. Real classy. What was more classy was that we stopped at Eddie Rocket's for some fries and an oreo milkshake before we went. Eddie Rockets is the cousin of American Johnny Rockets, basically greasy overpriced diner. They are all over Dublin and just happened to be close to where we were. The milkshake hit the spot while I pestered Laura about Australia. I'm learning new things kangaroos are like Australian deer....found outside of the city and dangerous when hit with a car. Or that they don't have bloomin' onions in Australia. Combined with our previous conversation about how Foster's isn't really an Australian favorite, I'm beginning to believe everything I've ever heard about Australia is false.
The club was fun.... we got our dance on, while trying to avoid the creepers which often grace such events. It was nice to get out of our rooms and enjoy some American music. It made me miss my friends at home, but Claire is a freestyle dancer and Laura and I are about as goofy as one another. There were a lot of people there, and ofcourse I took the time to people watch. We had a few Jersey Shore guidos, some men who looked way too old to be there, some drunken idiots who somehow managed to mess with the fire extinguisher. European guys are very much big into BROmance. I overheard someone in my class today say that they were more into one another than the girls.... not sure if that's true. Just an observation.
After dancing for a while, we decided to meet up with Laura's friend Margaret and another from Amie who is returning to Australia soon. We meet them and walked towards Trinity College to get a cab home. We figured out that if we catch a taxi there it is like 5 euro cheaper because it goes in a more direct route. Money saving techniques are favored. I'd rather save my money for fun things like traveling.
Which we are finalizing our plans for. We booked tickets to Paris for Easter Weekend. A little more than I wanted to spend but I can not go home and not have seen the Eiffel Tower. It's Easter Weekend so it makes sense that flights are going to be more expensive. We are in the works for planning a trip to Italy for before finals. That's the other place that I really want to see.
I am going to class too...but that's nothing much different than America. Except my international marketing teacher is about the worst teacher I've ever had because her language barrier prevents her from being able to explain things well. She doesn't even really try...she goes, oh you don't understand, okay, new subject. Luckily she is only a parttime teacher and the other teacher should be teaching next week. I really like my Business Excellence teacher... he is somewhat interesting and seems to care a lot.
Here's some random observations from the last month:
.Cars drive on the left side of the road (obviously), but pedestrians don't seem to stick to a side. More like they walk in the center of the sidewalk.
.Environmental friendliness is pretty big here. Reusable bags are the standard for groceries. Recycling is big. All the plugs in my apartment have on/off switches when not in use. The toilet has two different flushers...for different types of waste. (Ok, Brent, you were right on that...)
.Cheese only comes in two and white
.General Mills cereals are branded under the Nestle Cheerios would be labeled with a Nestle box.
.Instead of saying ten thirty, they say half ten.
That's all I can think of right now.
Irish House Party tomorrow, London on Saturday :)
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